How to serve Sauvignon Blanc At The Perfect Temperature To Have Guests Begging For More

Last Updated on October 24th, 2022

Fewer than a half dozen names come up when you think of wine. There’s chardonnay, pinot grigio, Riesling, and so forth. The Loire Valley product, Sauvignon Blanc, is also on that list of white wines. 

Pronounced, Saw-vee-nyon, this white wine has a bright, crisp, fresh, high acidity flavor set for wine consumers. Some traditional Sauvignon Blancs have grassy, herbal characteristics.

Among wine enthusiasts, this white wine is “food-friendly,” meaning that it pairs with a variety of foods. 


Is Sauvignon Blanc served warm or cold?

Like most white wines, a chilled Sauvignon Blanc is best. However, all wines should be stored in air-controlled, cool, dry places away from the elements, and this is not always possible where the ice bucket comes into play.

Let the bottle sit in ice water for 30-40 minutes, and the wine will be ready to serve. Otherwise, refrigerate the bottle for a few hours and take it out of the fridge 20 minutes before opening and serving guests. 


What’s the best temperature to serve Sauvignon Blanc?

Most experts agree to serve Sauvignon Blanc at around forty-five to fifty-five degrees Fahrenheit. 

At this temperature, the liquids have crisp cool viscosity, and this helps give the white wine a food-friendly option for dinner or entertainment, making it an enjoyable beverage.

There are even a few mix-drink options to spice up the night, for instance:


 Sauvignon Blanc Punch

  • Three parts (ounces) of Sauvignon Blanc
  • ½ ounce Aperol
  • ½ ounce grapefruit juice, freshly squeezed, is preferable. 
  • ½ ounce lemon juice, freshly squeezed if possible. 
  • ¼ ounce simple syrup
  • Club soda, chilled, to top
  • Drink mixing steps
  • Add all ingredients except the club soda into a shaker with ice and shake until well-chilled
  • Strain into a highball glass filled with fresh ice.
  • Top with the club soda and stir briefly, then gently combine. 

What glass do you serve for Sauvignon Blanc?

When serving a chilled Sauvignon Blanc, all the host needs are a few white wine glasses and a tall glass with a slender bowl. 

There are specifically designed glasses just for this vintage; their shape allows the drinker to capture the notes of floral and fruit aromas and guide them towards the nose. 

The side of these glasses causes the tongue to form a U, which funnels the center palate, yielding a smoother sip. In addition, glasses made for white wines are taller and thinner than red wine glasses. 


Final Thoughts on Serving Sauvignon Blanc

Sauvignon Blanc is a food-friendly wine, be sure to select a nice pairing for your entertainment needs. 

Also, chill your vintage to somewhere between forty-five- and fifty-five degrees Fahrenheit. Finally, utilize what you have; an ice bucket effectively maintains bottle temperatures and refrigerators when a wine cellar is not available. 

