Why Winevore?

Nobody wants their primary source of wine knowledge to be from that person who acts like they’ve been told the ancient secrets of vino, whether that be a friend, a coworker, or even your spouse. As if they could tell a vintage wine straight from the cellars in Italy from a $5 bottle from a corner store. Even worse when you can’t say anything to them without feeling their wrath. So, if you’re looking for a little bit of wine knowledge and a lot of relaxation after a long day, you’re at the right place!


What is a Winevore?

I’m sure a thought that crossed your mind by now is one of the following: What’s winevore? Or What is a winevore? Maybe you’ve even tried to google the term winevore. To answer your question: There are carnivores. There are herbivores. But you, my friend, are a winevore! A winevore is what we like to call fellow wine enthusiasts.

But What is a Wine Lover Anyway?

If you find yourself reading this far, you can probably be considered a wine lover. A wine lover can be anyone who enjoys wine. Whether you’re crazy about it to a point where it’s almost concerning, or you like to drink a glass of it every now and then. Wine lover is quite a broad term, and it’s one that many people can fall under.

We Are Wine Lovers & That’s Why We Started this Blog

Just like you, we here are wine lovers, as well. That is why we decided to start this blog. Our goals with this blog are to connect with people just like you and to help people who want to know more about wine but don’t quite know where to start or who to ask. We hope that you find this blog useful or entertaining. If you do, then that’s how we know we’ve accomplished what we wanted to.


This Blog is About Our Reckless Love for Wine

Another goal and hope of ours is that our passion and reckless love for wine shines clearly through this blog. If you haven’t already guessed, our love for the beverage is relentless. It’s that love that drove us to create this blog, and it’s what it’s all about here at winevore.


We Encourage You to Love the Wine you Currently Drink & Explore Others

If you have a favorite wine or a wine you stick to drinking over others, that’s great. We hope you love and enjoy that wine. However, we hope just as much that you are motivated to go past that and venture out by trying different kinds as well. Hey, who knows? You might even end up discovering a new favorite.
